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Mamadomia Global Group   MAMADOMIA.ORG Mamadomia trade in services smile development  

United In Vision, Mission and Practice
Collaborative Pragmatic Cohesion Sustainable Developments

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Challenging the known,
Embracing the unknown.

Sustainable Development Projects


I am, You are – We are all Humans 
The Earth Is our Mama and our Domain  
In short Mamadomia

I am, You are – We are all Liveable beings 
The Earth Is our Mama and our Domain  
In short Mamadomia

I am, You are – We are all Children of the earth  
The Earth Is our Mama and our Domain  
In short Mamadomia

This is us, Join us 

Mamadomia Children Fund | Children Vessel | Eco Schools projects.

Mamadomia Children Mutual Fund Project

Investing in your children is investing in your sustainability.

Securing your children sustainability is securing their, yours and all of us long term sustainable eco friendly and healthy sustainable future.

Supporting your children socio-economic and health sustainability is supporting their, yours and all of us eco-health advancement, eco friendly environment and socio-economic prosperity.

Innovative Cross-sector Children Mutual Fund Co-Collaborative Multi-stakeholder Project Initiative providing an enhanced profile initiatives and programs to the central role of children learning and health, talent development and youth advance education in the common pursuit of sustainable development.

Facilitate socio-economic relations and trade in services global networking, exchange and interaction among stakeholders in health, research, education and ecology sustainability spheres of green and eco friendly business engagement.

Provide a real time global space innovative platform of pragmatic venture transTelematics opportunity for refining and promoting the vision of, and socio-economic 21st century transition to sustainable development futures – through all forms of eco and health transparency, learning and public awareness.

Foster increased quality of open eco-healthy early childhood learning and teaching methodologies in open eco-health education sustainable environment for sustainable 21st century progressive developments beyond borders and cultures for generations to come.

Develop strategies at every level of to strengthen capacity of Mamadomia Global Open Healing Eco-Health Group co-collaborative network.

It is true to say that everyone is a stakeholder in education and eco-healthy children sustainable development. All of us will feel the impact of its relative success or failure, and all of us affect the impact of Mamadomia Group by our behaviour which, may be supportive or undermining.

Mamadomia Group Joint Venture Enterprises
Working with innovative partners to invest in sustainable development thrive.

Mamadomia joint venture group is a contractual business undertaking between non for profit NGOs and private sector multiple parties. It is similar to a standard business of NGOs partnership, with one key difference: a partnership generally involves an ongoing, long-term business relationship, whereas the Mamadomia Group joint venture is based on a array of single real time business transactions. Individuals or companies that choose to enter the joint ventures in order to share strengths, minimize risks, and increase competitive advantages in the marketplace. Mamadomia Group joint ventures can be distinct business units (a new business entity may be created for the joint venture) or collaborations between businesses and not for profit organisations, foundations, NGOs, clubs etc... In a collaboration, for example, a high-technology eco-tech firm, company, organisation etc... may contract with a manufacturer and NGO groups to bring its idea for a eco friendly product to market; the former provides the know-how, the latter the means.

Within the Mamadomia Group all cooperative joint ventures are initiated by the parties' entering a contract or an agreement that specifies their mutual objectives, natural responsibilities and sustainable developments goals. The contract is crucial for avoiding trouble later; the parties must be specific about the intent of their joint venture with us, as well as aware of its limitations. All joint ventures project enterprises also involve certain rights and duties. The parties have a mutual right to control the enterprise, a right to share in the profits, and a duty to share in any losses incurred. Each joint venturer has a fiduciary responsibility, owes a standard of care to the other members, and has the duty to act in Good Faith in matters that concern the common interest or the enterprise. A fiduciary responsibility is a duty to act for someone else's benefit while subordinating one's personal interests to those of the other person. A joint venture can terminate at a time specified in the contract, upon the accomplishment of its purpose, upon the death of an active member, or if a court decides that serious disagreements between the members make its continuation impractical.

Seven principles of sustainable venture investment

As Mamadomia Children Mutual Fund founders and first investors, we have a duty to act in the best long-term interests of our beneficiaries. In this fiduciary role, we believe that environmental, social, and not for profit NGOs, foundations and corporate governance issues can affect the performance of Mamadomia Children Mutual Fund investment portfolios (to varying degrees across foundations, companies, sectors, regions, asset classes and through time). We also recognise that applying these Mamadomia Principles may better align members, shareholders and investors with broader objectives of society. Therefore, where consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities, we commit to the following:

Principle 1: 
We will incorporate fund issues into sustainable investment analysis and decision-making processes.+

Principle 2: 
We will be active owners and incorporate fund issues into our ownership policies and practices.+

Principle 3: 
We will seek appropriate disclosure on the fund issues by the entities in which we invest.+

Principle 4: 
We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.+

Principle 5: 
We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.+

Principle 6: 
We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles. +

Principle 7: 
We will each collaborate on our venture activities and progress towards implementing the code

We consider venture investment for a better world, to be the global standard for responsible socio-economic and ecological sustainable development venture investment and we encourage our friends, fans, members, partners and sponsors to join our venture voluntarism financial sustainability ecological programs and social initiatives.

In signing the Principles, we as shareholders and investors publicly commit to adopt and implement them, where consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities. We also commit to evaluate the effectiveness and improve the content of the Mamadomia Group Principles over time. We believe this will improve our ability to meet commitments to beneficiaries as well as better align our investment activities with the broader interests of society, economy and environment sustainability.

Who can sign?

There are three main categories of Mamadomia Children Mutual Fund signatory.

Commitment is expected from the top-level leadership of the organisation across the 
whole investment business.

Asset owner: 
Organisations that represent end-asset owners who hold long-term sustainable assets,   
retirement savings, insurance and other assets. Examples include pension funds,  
sovereign wealth funds, foundations, cooperative banks, endowments, insurance and 
reinsurance companies and other financial institutions that manage deposits. 
This is the principal category of signatory.

Investment manager: 
Investment management firms or companies that serve an institutional and/or retail market 
and manage assets as a third-party provider. ( Parks, rivers, reserves, heritages etc ...)   

Professional service partner: 
Organisations that offer products or services to asset owners and/or investment managers.
Although such professional service partners are not stewards or managers of assets in their 
own right, they do have considerable influence over how their clients address Fond issues. 
For this group, becoming a signatory is an acknowledgement of the relevance of Fond issues 
to investment management. It also represents a commitment to providing and promoting services 
that support the implementation of the Principles by clients, and to improving such services 
over time.

Signatories self-select the category they fall into, but the Mamadomia Group Board reserves the right to determine which category is most appropriate. While the categories are not designed to be overly prescriptive, the general rule is that an investor would be considered an asset owner (rather than an investment manager) if the sum of the on-balance sheet investment assets of the organisation exceed the assets that it manages for external clients through any majority-owned investment manager subsidiaries.

To decide on the signatory category, the Mamadomia Group Board will review the type of asset in the life, children and pension divisions of a typical asset owner (excluding staff pension fund), as well those in the organisation's private banking/wealth management subsidiaries. Investment management assets are reviewed in sum as well as by separate internal and external mandates. Comparison of the asset owner and investment manager assets under external management will determine the signatory category.

A separate category, Mamadomia Network Supporter, includes non-profit, peer organisations that would like to publicly express support for, and promote, the Network within their constituencies.

If we fit into multiple categories,
can these business units sign up independently?

We ask that the highest level of the company, including on behalf of its subsidiaries, sign up on behalf of the entire organisation. The signatory category would depend on which of these businesses is the largest and hold sustainable development future. However, in cases where different businesses are run independently, it is possible to sign up across different categories of businesses as an asset owner, investment manager or professional service partner.

Does signing involve a financial commitment?

There is a mandatory fee which is scaled based on assets for investors and traders for trade in service partners.

What difference will the Mamadomia Principles make in the world?

While Mamadomia Joint Venture Group Principles are designed to enhance the delivery of long-term sustainable developments and returns to our members, shareholders, partners, clients and beneficiaries. Their implementation will also focus greater attention on Children Eco-Health Trade in Services issues throughout the investment and collaboration of NGOs, foundations and corporate sectors.

New research and better metrics are being developed to support investors as they may become increasingly active owners. Encouraged to adopt a more systematic approach to managing the fund issues. Corporate management will take more interest in these additional drivers of risk and reward, which will come to define corporate profitability in the medium and longer term. The Mamadomia Group will also stimulate increased active ownership on shareholders issues by investors group via the Mamadomia Group Clearing-house. In this way, the Mamadomia Group Principles for Sustainable and Responsible Investment will contribute to improved collaborative NGOs and corporate performance on environmental, social and socio-economical issues.

We encourage shareholders, partners and investors to adopt the Mamadomia Group Principles.
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Security Matters
In order to protect our intellectual, source and core business rights and properties. Mamadomia Global Group will continue  appealing but not revealing its strategic business matters until the organisation security policy is attained as constituted.

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