Who's Right, Who's Wrong ? Open Letter 24 December 2013 To: The Council of The Shire of Bourke NSW, Australia 29 Mitchell Steed, PO Box 21, Bourke NSW 2840 From: Andy Freedman & Annelie Malter 10A Amber Place, Carine WA 6020 Re: Customer Ref No 56789531 Dear Council, 1. We own the land Lot 8 of Section 95 in Deposited Plan 758144, at 1 Adelaide St, Bourke NSW 2840 since the 19.11.2013, and there is no way we accumulated unpaid land tax of almost $6000 in 60 days of ownership of the land. 2. We are more than happy unconditionally to pay our land-tax (rates) now and for the future in advance for the one year in accordance, within and by the land tax laws and regulations of NSW Australia (see the attached cheques in the sum of $500.00 for the year 2013-2014). 3. It is obvious that we became an accidental victim of land taxes bogus fraud going on in the town of Bourke ( see the media publications about the extreme crime rates and land tax bogus frauds concerning the town of Bourke NSW Australia ). CONDITIONALLY IF IT IS LEGAL, ETHICAL AND MORAL WE TO BE PENALISED AND FORCED TO PAY PREVIOUS LAND OWNERS UNPAID DEBTS accumulated from unpaid land taxes (rates) from many years: 1. We will cooperate with the Council of The Shire of Bourke in any possible way in helping collecting unpaid rates from the previous owners. Report the land tax legal fraud case to the Federal Police, Tax, Law and Government Authorities and the Governor General of Australia for the commuted crown land tax frauds issues. As well we will inform the media to let the people know and be aware and don’t get hurt of such kind of frauds going on in Bourke. 2. We are not in a financial position to immediately pay somebody else outstanding rates in the sum of near $6000 (previous owner debts) in one payment. 3. We are happy to collaborate, negotiate and make necessary arrangements to help the Council in collecting old outstanding rates by paying to our land-tax account (rates) maximum up to $50.00 a month from our own pockets until the fraud case is resolved. 4. We will do our best to launch public campaign to raise funds to pay to the Council previous land owners debts against our will, just to keep the land donated to Mamadomia.Org and to keep the Council happy in doing their duty in collecting unpaid land rates. 5. As the owners and founders of the Not-for-Profit Mamadomia Organisation, we bought the land from our own money and donated it to the Mamadomia Org to continue doing good for the common good and build on the property practical educational studio-workshop for disadvantaged children and youths, to advance talents and bridge young and wise for the common good of the children and people of Australia. 6. We will cooperate with the Council of Bourke in any possible way and accept to help the Council by collecting donations and making regular financial payments to the Council uncollected land taxes (rates) account; totally against our ethical norms and morality, just not to break the Councils of Bourke NSW laws and regulations. We consider the land tax financial debts issues less important than of our duty of doing good for a common long term sustainability good of Australia. 7. By no any kind or meaning we refuse to pay what the council requires from us, but we are not in a financial position to help the council and pay the requested by the council sum of almost $6000 somebody else unpaid to the council land tax debts in whole. We need time to raise funds and donations from the public and privately save money for the payments . We are open for any negotiations with the council for long-term arrangements of donations in the form of payments. For tax purpose and other legal matters, please provide the exact client reference numbers, bank accounts etc... information where the donations for the repayments should be made. For any inquiry, suggestions, negotiations, financial deals etc... regarding the above matters, please contact us at any time. With regards, Andy Freedman and Anna Elisabeth Malter Founders and directors of: Not-For Profit NPO/NGO MAMADOMIA GROUP Eco-Health Enterprises Australia Contact Phones: 08 9243 8960, BH, 08 6461 6975, Mobile : 0413 769 251, 0409 009 703, http://www.mamadomia.org mamadomia[at]gmail.com Who is right and who is wrong